Input & Output Devices

Since Mr Rodney has expressed his extreme want on having a new table lamp for the soldering station, I have decided to go along his wishes and build one for my final project. (In hopes of getting higher marks >.<) The following are the steps that I took to complete my final project and I have broken it into different parts for ease of reading.

Input Device

An input device include: Sensors

Type of sensors:
1. Switches
2. Temperature, Humidity
3. Distance
4. Motion Detection
5. Light Measurement and Detection
6. Time
7. Rotary Encoders
8. Weight
9. Water
10. Arduino Sensor Kit

Output Device

There are some output devices that can be used with Arduino like LED displays which includes:

1. Single LEDs
3. Seven Segment Displays
4. LCD Displays - 1602
5. Others (includes NeoPixel LEDs)

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